Posted 18 years ago #
Where can I get nightly builds, or even better yet, what is the projected release date of the next stable release. I have heard that a couple annoyances of mine have been fixed in nightlies but not released yet in a stable release, I'd like to find out.
Is there such thing as a roadmap or ETA for next release?
Thanks for the link trent - bookmarked.
However, the roadmap link is still showing WMPU 1.0 still as 88% complete, with no date set.
Seems that this page is not actively updated?
Posted 18 years ago #
Not necessarily.
It's based off of tickets, which anyone can add, and some have been added as a 1.0 milestone when it's already out the door, or some got pushed back to the next one, etc.
I like trac's integration with cvs, but it seems it needs some tracking assistance.
I've always used specific tracking software (bugzilla, mantis), so maybe I'm just used to once a version is marked as released that it can't have tickets added to it.