Blogs for movie lovers free site.
Wpmu 1.0 with many hacks, tweaks and adjustments. Much thanks to all of you who's code snippits I used and fixes galore.
A few custom jobs such as the themes tour located at which will eventually be something I add into the list_all_themes plugin (and share)
Nice design ;) but watch out you can't spam it here :) lol
I don't believe he was spamming it, he was merely posting it
did you see ii55 also said ;)?
I picked up that fine trace/hint of irony, I remember one of his posts advertising his own blogging service...
so lets keep it friendly and try not to cry out SPAM too quick ;-)
;) We have a winner. And i think that corourke has all right to tell about his site. It looks great and has everything to be proud on. What is here to win anyway we are all Mu owner's
... espeically when it's in the "Your WordPress MU" forum. here is precisely where you *can* post about your MU site.
that's why I like you andrea, you're so quick to the flip. ;)
come on ppl, I just wanted to try and not scare them off, especially as it looks liek they also came up with 2 new plugins :-)
Can we not hijack my post please? I'd like to get back to patting myself on the back for the site. Thanks
</good natured sarcasm>
Those plugins seem rather nice. Not entirely sure if I'd use the link swap one but the sitemap seems handy.
Nice site there. :D Well done.
Posted 18 years ago #