I reported this bug to the trac a month ago (Ticket #195) and am curious how I can do a temporary fix until it's addressed.
A blog can be completely unaccessable if an admin posts a comment on an unpublished post while viewing the page preview. While I know that sounds like it wouldn't happen I had two of my test bloggers both try it to see what would happen. The only way to fix it was to manually remove the offending posts from the database.
Any ideas?
Go try it on the regular Wordpress and submit a bug report there? Would get looked at faster, and if it does it there too, then it's not an MU-specific problem.
Thanks for the advice. I added it to the wordpress trac.
Posted 18 years ago #
I would imagine (without looking specifically) it would need to have an edit to the comment form function, where it doesn't display if the post status isn't published, or (since the preview var is set in the preview pane), not display. The second would probably be the most simple.
Why not edit post.php and remove the preview pane altogether?
<div id='preview' class='wrap'>
<h2 id="preview-post"><?php _e('Post Preview (updated when post is saved)'); ?></h2>
<iframe src="<?php echo wp_specialchars(apply_filters('preview_post_link', add_query_arg('preview', 'true', get_permalink($post->ID)))); ?>" width="100%" height="600" ></iframe>