Thats right, it simply redirects me to the wp-admin index. Is this normal or its broken for me?
Thats right, it simply redirects me to the wp-admin index. Is this normal or its broken for me?
The rewrite rules in .htaccess must be broken for the imports, see the thread about comments not working and see if a similar fix works for the imports as well.
same problm for me... if anyone can fix it and get it included in a release I'd be a happy bunny (that fix might be pushing it a bit for me)
There is no mention of the import in the htaccess ???
Ok, I still can't get it to work, I have no idea what to do :(
I've tried several things and it just won't work.
I think I have this figured out but need to find out how to get the current blod_id in a script. Is there a funtion that I can include that will give me the numeric value of whatever blog I'm (a user is) logged into?
basically what I need to do is get the results of:
SELECT blog_id from wp_blogs where domain = '$_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ]'
into a variable and then get that variable into a define statement. Specifically this one:
define('RSSFILE', '$variable');
any pointers will be appreciated.
Why do you need to have a separate script to get this working? :P
Are you indicating that it works "out of the box"? I haven't been able to get it to work and was trying to make the modificatons so that it would. I guess you know something I don't or maybe I'm just dense. Which is likely the case ;-)
Oh, in my case when I click on Import is simply redirects to the main dashboard page, so I can't tell you if it works :P
I need help with the .htaccess first :P
It's not an .htaccess issue. I think I'll have it working today and will post updates here.
thanks wugga,I was just about to sit down and pull the .htaccess apart.
I'll be waiting as well :D
I'll be waiting too!
I haven't forgot this. I just got sidetracked with the Gallery2 integration. I'm gonna try and tackle the import issue today. I had it working for the site-admin but need to get it working for blog-admins now. I'm still hung up on getting the blog_id as discussed above.
We are all on pins and needles! (at least I am, anyway!)