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Anarchy media does not work in feeds? (3 posts)

  1. zimen
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Hello, is it only me or the anarchy media video plugin for embedding youtube videos in posts does not show videos in rss feeds? I remember that the vipers one did show them in rss feeds


  2. zeug
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Anarchy uses javascript embeds cos of Microsoft’s Explorer 7+ ActiveX authentication problem dealing with embedded media. Unless your user's rss reader can load the anarchy.js then the vids won't display.

    I specifically went the javascript route from the beginning for all the object/embeds including quicktime and wmp, and can’t really go back. If it’s a problem for you with your rss feeds then I’d say go for Vipers’ solution as he’s just released a complete rebuild and it’s a nifty video plugin in its own right. I'm not sure if it runs on Mu as yet although he's using the tinyMCE external plugins I made for Anarchy so it could be good to go.

    I’m running a few WPMu blog servers myself though and would much prefer not to have to deal with potentially endless user queries about ‘faulty’ anarchy embeds under WinIE 7. Generally speaking if Explorer has a problem then it’s not a M$ problem but yours.

  3. suleiman
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Just thought I'd add in once more time how much I hate Microsoft:


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