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Help! MU Plugin manager (4 posts)

  1. frptech
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Does anyone have the MU Plugin manager (plugman.php)functioning with the latest download?

    Everything was working fine till a few weeks ago.
    Now plugman.php loads up fine with no visible errors and the menu options appear under Site Admin / Plugins. However, when clicking "Check Active Plugins" or Global Management" none of the plugins actually appear.

    I know the plugins themselves are functioning because the individual plugin menus do show up on the backends of the individual blogs. I was just looking for a way to globally activate, deactivate and manage.

  2. conpeo
    Posted 17 years ago #

    there are modified version for plugman.php
    name plugman-reloaded.php work well in WPMU.
    Support Globally activate/deactivate.

    look for more detail

  3. frptech
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Got it, but, it didn't work either.
    I'll take another look...

  4. chris
    Posted 17 years ago #

    My plugman works fine using the nightly BUT the menu for the plugman is wrong. Which is what I think is causing everyone so much grief.

    I will get the error "Cannot load mu-plugins/1368760174_plugman.php" if I go to the "Site Admin" tab because the plugman URL is wrong. It's directing you to
    BUT if you go to
    the plugin works as it should.

    Anyone know how to edit it so it directs you to the correct link?

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