Hi and merry Christmas,
I'm coding a css editor for the sandbox theme. The code will be gpl, so you can adjust it to other themes, but I will only support the sandbox theme.
Here's a demo of the prototype: http://www.soderlind.no/demo/editcss.php
v1.0 might/will:
- support both WordPress 2.x and MU
- only support the Sandbox theme skins
- have a preview
- allow you to save a style to a temporary file prior to publishing it (for testing)
- in MU, save the style to wp-content/blogs.dir/$wpdb->blogid/css
- filter the saved css to prevent xss
Anything else / comments?
btw, if you don't know the Sandbox theme, have a look here: http://www.plaintxt.org/themes/sandbox/. At the first glance it might look boring, but it is one of the easiest/best themes to use a building block for creating your own themes using css.