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Sandbox CSS Editor prototype - feedback needed (40 posts)

  1. PerS
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Hi and merry Christmas,

    I'm coding a css editor for the sandbox theme. The code will be gpl, so you can adjust it to other themes, but I will only support the sandbox theme.

    Here's a demo of the prototype:

    v1.0 might/will:
    - support both WordPress 2.x and MU
    - only support the Sandbox theme skins
    - have a preview
    - allow you to save a style to a temporary file prior to publishing it (for testing)
    - in MU, save the style to wp-content/blogs.dir/$wpdb->blogid/css
    - filter the saved css to prevent xss

    Anything else / comments?

    btw, if you don't know the Sandbox theme, have a look here: At the first glance it might look boring, but it is one of the easiest/best themes to use a building block for creating your own themes using css.

  2. suleiman
    Posted 17 years ago #

    that looks AMAZING Pers!

    Personally I can't wait to get my hands on the code, to see how difficult/easy it would be to tweak it to work on other themes.

  3. kahless
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I used Sandbox on one of the blogs for my site, but I think I edited stuff in a regular WordPress before uploading to my MU install. This solution would be very nice indeed. Although there are only about 8 active blogs out of 80 on the site and I haven't really had anyone ask to edit a theme.

  4. corourke
    Posted 17 years ago #

    That is awesome! I am really looking forward to this release and can't wait to play with it.

  5. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    That would be awesome considering the users at have the css edit box already (well, paid ones I think) and when the theme was "released" it obviously didn't have it.

  6. stewdio
    Posted 17 years ago #

    It would be really awsome as andrea stated!

    I have one suggestion for you so far. Since the script will save to a temp directory for viewing before publishing, would it also be possible to have the option to save the file locally, or better yet to another directory on the server? (provided the right permissions are set on the server)

    The reason for this is so that I can get to work on creating multiple theme css files for broader use in MU.

    Speaking of which, would there be a way to plug this into the system as a whole in order to do theme development on the site, maybe only from the main admin account?

    Or supply us with some code to add to our themes that are already installed. For me it would save on development time. I realise it will be released as GPL, but I'm code moron :-p

  7. PerS
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Another teaser:

    I've also changed the name to Sandbox Skin Editor, since it will only support the Sandbox theme.

  8. quenting
    Posted 17 years ago #

    how do you handle security ?

  9. PerS
    Posted 17 years ago #

    "No" security at the moment. The plan is to give access only to the owner of each blog (level 10), but I'm very open for suggestions / comments :)

  10. quenting
    Posted 17 years ago #

    well it's currently being discussed here:
    without security such a tool can't be used in a publicly accessible MU.

  11. PerS
    Posted 17 years ago #

    My misunderstanding, I thought you meant 'who' not 'what'. As I mentioned in my initial post, I will filter the css on save, to prevent xss etc.

    I've looked at at couple of filters:

    both strips out the xss examples at

  12. suleiman
    Posted 17 years ago #

    that looks like a very elegant solution to the xss issue PerS. Perhaps when you release your code we could look to integrating the CSS editor back into WPMU with your XSS filters integrated.

  13. PerS
    Posted 17 years ago #

    After testing several filters, the one I'm most likely going to use is HTML Purifier

    Here's a comparison:

    btw: Maybe we should create a generic HTML Purifer plugin for MU / WordPress?

  14. suleiman
    Posted 17 years ago #

    My thoughts exactly Pers :)

  15. quenting
    Posted 17 years ago #

    well, isn't that the purpose of kses.php in WP distribution ?

  16. PerS
    Posted 17 years ago #

    quenting, you'll find a kses ( = wp_kses) vs HTML Purifier comparison here:

  17. quenting
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Note: this comparison is on HTML Purifier's site, are you convinced the benchmark is objective ?
    Also, do you think the advantages of HP are worth introducing a 2nd system in your code base ?
    Finally, if you answered twice yes, maybe it would be worth suggesting a replacement to the devs ? WP could use an HTML tidying engine.

  18. PerS
    Posted 17 years ago #

    no, I'm not sure if it's objective so I've asked the wp-hackers list if anyone have a comment. I do agree with you that we shouldn't add unnecessary code.

  19. suleiman
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Pers, have you had any success with either filter? I've been actively following this project, since I think it may be the precursor to allowing CSS editing on all themes.

  20. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Agreed. I'm rather surprised that there hasn't been any real development on kses in quite some time.

    Gotta admit that I'm a bit concerned actually since that's what we use here.

    edit: Been thinking about the CSS editor recently as I think that's the main thing holding us back here. I can see using the preexisting theme or file editor and running the input through a filter (either kses or the other one). It really shouldn't be an issue.

    My main concern is how we're going to store the css file. As a file within the wpmu structure or as a option in the db. I'm leaning towards files actually. Probably would mean doing a new subdirectory to coexist within the current upload subdirectories and restricting access to just the editor. Also if you were to name the css files into something like {$theme}style.css, you could retain the css file is you switched themes.

    I also gotta admit that I don't like how combines the two css files. (Although they allow you to do a blank one now) I'd rather do it as an either or and load the file that's requested. This means probably changing the css load line within header.php of all the files. Doable but a pain.

    Just some thoughts.

  21. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Can't believe I didn't get any feedback on this. :(

  22. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Sorry. :(

    Just not ready to let folks do it yet. I keep having nightmares of myspace.

  23. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Agreed. I was just asking for general ideas. I gotta admit that I'm stuck on where to keep the CSS. In a file or in the database. I'm torn and couldn't get a reply out of staff and which one they do. I didn't want them to tell me how they did the entire procedure but just which method they used.

  24. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Sorry here too. We're veering in a slightly different direction (options pages mostly). I'm not sure which one Ron woudl prefer. I kinda like the file myself. Then all you'd need to store in the db is the filename or info.

  25. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I like the file as well. It would keep the database from growing and you could make multiple versions fo the different themes.

    The downside to that is you would have to count the space usage against your clients. That and if you saved the file to a directory somewhere, you would have to restrict the file access to the specific user. Maybe create an additonal subdirectory alongside the uploads.

    Not trying to be negative here. I just can't deside. It seems simplke enough to do with coping over the file editor, restricting it to the user's css file(s) and running it through the filters.

  26. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Why not save it to files/css/themename?

    The file option would be better. I can't imagine serving an entire css file out of the db.

  27. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I'm thinking files/css/{$themename}style.css actually. That why if you get someone who switches between themes regularly, it woun't be an issue as the edited css won't go away.

    I've been having database issues for the last two days so this is on hold for a day or two.

  28. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    So only 1 file then? That's how I'm reading it.

    I was suggesting something like files/css/"theme-name"/style.css.

    Although, it could be beneficial to allow style.css to be named differently, so that there could be multiple css files per theme or something? I dunno. Ideas maybe.

    However, maybe only 1 per theme is a better idea.

  29. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    That would work as well but creating a new directory takes up space on the hard drive. Even though it's only 4k on the linux platform, do that enough times over and over again and it's a chunk of bits used up.

    I was thinking more of a $blog_id/files/css/ subdirectory where each theme would have a seperate CSS file using the subdirectory name of the theme (That is what is kept within the db anyway) plus 'style.css'. For example the custom CSS file for the default theme would then be /$blog_id/files/css/defaultstyle.css and would be loaded at the end of the head portion using a plugin or at the front of the page in place of the themes normal CSS. (Although that would probably require hardcoding of all of the themes in ones install.)

    The thing with the multiple css files for each theme would get confusing for the end user. I had thought about doing it like did it with saving each version but we've noted that the version number is always set to zero now so we think they gave up on that and just now keep the latest. (At least that's what I've seen)

    Donncha, if you read this, I'd love to know where is storing the file. Either as a file or within the db. I'm leaning towards the file method myself for this.

  30. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Makes sense to me.

    To me, the easiest way would be to add a plugin and hook into wp_head.

    In the plugin file, do a check for an option in their settings table, and if the file exists then go with it and echo it.

    I'd say possibly mu-plugins, which would work, but since not everyone will use it, then having it as an alternate plugin would probably be better. That, and also if they don't want to use it anymore they can turn off the plugin.

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