Just had a chance to test out the template tag and it seems to be working very well.
Checking for its installation is easy with a
' <?php if(function_exists('wg_get_menu')) { wg_get_menu(); } ?>'
And to use both the wordpress function or this plugin if installed is quite simply a case of an if then routine.
' <?php if(function_exists('wg_get_menu')) { wg_get_menu(); } else {?>
if (is_home()) {$pg_li .="current_page_item";}
<li class="<?php echo $pg_li; ?>">" title="Home"><span>Home</span>
<?php wp_list_page('depth=1&title_li=&exclude=143&sort_column=menu_order' ); ?>
<?php } ?>'
Excellent job :)
One thing i did notice is that the new menu looses focus but i'm not sure if you can do anything about that.
So if i was on an ABOUT US page using the built in wordpress function then the active menu is set to ABOUT US. However using your plugin it isn't.
Its a hugely minor issue considering the unique flexibility your now offering.
Can i assume menu_id 1 is always the very first category menu created ? If so i could update my themes to always check just for ID 1 within the function you provided for top site navigation as members won't have access to editing the templates direct.
Great Job btw. The plugin is very easy to use and extremely handy :)