First of all: thanks for all the work for wpmu and wordpress.
You did absolutely great work on developing wpmu.
The problem here is, i cannot register with my old login: 'invalid username'
Why doesn't the password reset function work?
May it be, that you don't want me be here as 'NetAndif'?
(just a little ugly thought)
This forum shares the user database with so if you already registered there you can use the same password here. I haven't tried the pw reset link myself, I'll try it in a minute but the one on should work.
LOL i forgot an old email adress which i used on
Unfortunately this is a heavily spammed one,
so i would like to change it.
How could i do this?
(or if i can't, may you please change it)
I can't change it unfortunately, but your email address is only used for password changes anyway AFAIR.
If you have control of your mail server, then add grey listing to it. That'll stop 99.99% of spam:
Mine worked fine.
AndrewB if you would please get ahold of me.