Posted 17 years ago #
Anyone got a modified version of this they care to share ?
Everything seems to function until i try and submit an answer to the default poll, then it tries to update to -
Even though the poll is on wp_2.
Is there a solution for this or a better poll system ? I liked the widget addition.
Working fine for me. Currentl version is v 2.14. May want to try upgrading if you haven't done so yet.
I use the democracy poll plugin which seems to work just fine (apart from a couple of mini things that need ironing out).
What I really want is a quiz module... any ideas?
Cheers, James
any ideas?
Will that be on the test? ;)
Is there even one for regular wordpress? It's never come up actually...
How does the democracy poll plugin work on a large install. Does it add some tables to each user that uses the plugin or is there one general table for all of them?
@ farms - I got curious too, just tried a google search for
wordpress quiz plugin
and got these:
Oooo... they look interesting.
Short answer re: democracy... it sucks :(
When activated as a plugin it spends *forever* setting up all sorts of tables and doesn't even achieve this with slightly larger sites.
Also, it's kinda complex... the simpler the better I reckon.
What those quiz plugins need are widgets & ways of simply embedding them in posts. [like this]
One of these days... :)
I have just started digging into MU however the problem with WP-Polls appears to be that when a vote is saved it stores the user as a guest with a user id of 0 so if Guest Voting is not enabled it will not store the information.
there's a thread on WP-Polls forum with a patched version for WPMU which im going to try now :)
Simple solution for us - the widgetbox widget http://wpmudevorg.wordpress.com/project/Widgetbox-Widget They have polls a plenty :)