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all user avatar file name follow by 48.jpg (2 posts)

  1. conpeo
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I realise that all user avatar file name same like this siteurl format -
    its that nice tips to display comment author avatar?

    actually I try to find out how to implement display comment author avatar by edit simple php code?
    I work find to let user to upload their avatar to server, but no idea to show their avatar in comment frame.

    Any ideas?

  2. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I'm guessing that you'd have to write or find/modify an avatar plugin that lets users upload an image into a specific directory and changes the filename to their username.

    Possibly resizing through image magik or GD to a specified size, and then adding a tag to get the image if they're logged in and their image exists.

    Just a stab at it though. Good luck.

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