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New blog creation (4 posts)

  1. MadameX
    Posted 18 years ago #

    So now I've run into another glitch.

    A friend created a new blog on my wpmu blog site. However, it made the new site addy like so:

    In my quest to get this installed and all, I ran across a reference somewhere that new blogs created would be like this:

    Of course, I've forgotten where it was (read soooooo much) and if there was something I needed to do to get it to put the new blog at the end of the url, instead of making it like a subdomain (Subs, for some reason we haven't worked out yet, won't resolve on my server. If they did, the new blog would probably work...maybe)

    Can anyone give me a bit of quidance with this?

  2. mspecht
    Posted 18 years ago #

    As part of the installation process it sounds like you choose to use vhosts when you should of said no. vHosts will use subdomains while if you do not use vhosts you will use directories.

  3. MadameX
    Posted 18 years ago #

    So, does this mean I would need to re-install again?

    If so, this would make the third time I've installed this. And the second uninstall.

  4. mspecht
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I had to reinstall when I did this the other way by accident.

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