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RSS Import fix for post author error (4 posts)

  1. kingler
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hi, just found a small bug in WPMU 1.0

    For the import function from RSS feed, the imported post would always have author as "admin"

    The simple fix would be to search for the following code in /wp-admin/import/rss.php

    $post_author = 1;
    $post_status = 'publish';

    And replace with the fix:

    $post_author = the_author_ID();
    $post_status = 'publish';

    Now it should work.

    I also tried the remote RSS importer(link), which makes much more sense since normally nobody saves a RSS feed to a file.

    Anyway, the above fix has to be applied to the remote rss importer to work as well.

  2. lunabyte
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Does the same for importing from a WP export too. At least it did for me, even though the users existed and I set their names as the author to credit.

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Should be flagged in the track system for regular WP then.

  4. djvibe
    Posted 17 years ago #

    thx for the post.

    BUT.. I tried the fix and it didn't work. How does your RSS file look?

    Are you using the <item> sub tag

    AUTHOR ??

    What info goes in the tag? The username from the new wordpress installation.. does it require and email or any other info.

    Im stumped here and I really dont want post the articles without giving proper credit.. and doing the process manually is just a depressing thought.. ;)

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