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French Localization (10 posts)

  1. lissyx
    Posted 19 years ago #

    As I need a french localization of WordPressµ, I decided to take the one done by Xavier Borderie (, and to adapt it for WordPressµ.

    If someone interested, I'll give you files :)

  2. andrewbillits
    Posted 19 years ago #

    if you could email me the files to andrew{AT}idtstudios {dot} com, i'll look them over and maybe we'll get them up on the downloads page.

  3. lissyx
    Posted 19 years ago #

    I've just look in the WPµ sources, and things that are not translated are those which are directly sent by "echo", instead of going thought __() :'(

    It means that having a full translation will need some hard modifs...

  4. NetAndif
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Hi lissyx,
    i'm having the same problem, as i've translated everything, which did not exist in the language file, to german. Later, i translated it back to english ;-)
    If i only knew, how one could add entries to the .mo / .po file.
    I used the tool 'PoEdit' but i only could translate existing strings.

  5. lissyx
    Posted 19 years ago #

    As far as I think, you can't translate using gettext strings that are not sent to php using the gettext functions.

    So, we should have to make them using gettext :) it's a bit ugly, and i would make less changes than needed into the code, in order to have easier updates :)

    PS: i've tried using Smart 2.6.9 with WordPressµ from 23rd february, 2005, and it seems to work.

  6. xibe
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Hi, I'm Xavier Borderie.
    The translation indeed only applies to fully gettext'ed strings, and even in v1.5.1.1 there might be some that are still encoded. You are welcome to use the translation as you see fit though, and I'd be willing to help you if I can find the time.

  7. ActuMac
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Hi, I am very interested by the translation. Can you send it to me at : actumac (at) gmail (dot) com ? Please.

    Thanks !

  8. fredl
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Et voilà,

    J'ai un peu modifié le fichier pot d'origine.
    I've modified a few the pot file.

    fred (at) ouetquand (dot) org

  9. gonzo75
    Posted 19 years ago #

    I'm interested in your french localization of WordPressµ. Where can I get it ?

  10. fredl
    Posted 19 years ago #

    Salut Gonzo, envoie moi un mail et je t'adresse le pot et le po pour la traduc

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