That place is a breeding ground for sh*t list people.
You know, I was discussing this with one of my partners the other day. We wonder what would happen if the very top level bandwidth providers started cutting off the networks from where spam (email, comments, whatever) and all this crap was coming from.
Let's say the top level provider is "Fred, Inc.", and they sell access to "Barney, LLC" in whatever country. Well, Barney sub-leases bandwith to "The Sally Co.", and "The Sally Co." tends to have a lot of spam email generated from within their network. "Barney, LLC" overlooks this, as "The Sally Co." pays them a nice tidy sum for their use.
However, after "Barney, LLC" ignores these complaints, they filter up to "Fred, Inc." In turn, "Fred, Inc." says OK, we'll get your attention "Barney, LLC", and shuts them off.
Essentially, the top level puts the pressure on their clients to take care of business or else.
I don't think it's realistic, but I bet it could work.