Hi i have installed this fantastic script and credit to you all. alot of big companies are against open source scripts. Any way, i have tried to set up a separate blog, after logging out as admin, ubder a different email and name. When i get the email to activate, i click the link to activate and it brings up a blank page and i do not get the email with my password on to log in. any help?
Posted 17 years ago #
Did you insert the following code in your hstaccess.dist file?
php_flag register_globals 0
php_flag display_errors 0
Check the hstaccess file, remove them and try it again.
Hi thanks for gwetting back. I have found the hstaccess.dist file on my server but can find the php_flag register_globals 0 or php_flag display_errors 0 in the file. i also can edit it on my server, will i need to do in a text editor and then ftp upload again? also where abouts are these codes meant to go on the hsaccess file?
Posted 17 years ago #
Yes, you can use a text editor. Download the hstaccess.dist file from your server and check it. If the lines are there, remove them and then try again.
ok the lines arent there, so where do i place them?
thanks for your help.
Posted 17 years ago #
1. Is WPMU installed in public_html root?
2. Is it set to subdomains or subdirectories
hi Yes it is set up under my public_html root and is subdomains.
Did you set up the wildcard subdomains before you installed?
Sorry not sure what you mean. it asked me if i wanted to use subdomains or directorys and i selected domains.
Thanks for replying.
the readme file contains some instructions, aka requirements for running wpmu and one of them is: set up wildcard subdomains as quoted 2 posts above mine.
Hi sorry im still lost. ive had a look at the readme and visited the site it said about but can not find out how to change it so people can register blogs. I will admit i did not read the readme file i just followed to install instructions on here. Is there anyway you can explain how i set this up to allow this? im looking at my dns management on my hosting account but do not no how to change anything. I am very gratefull for all help.
I dunno if I can help you alone, but first of all: does your apache installation allow vhosts? and can you add a domain like this with your DNS management: *.yourdomain.com?
btw. I have to add that I am not that sure that your problem is related to this issues, but as it had been asked of you earliear...
Thanks for your help. i have read another post like mine. i have just contacted my hosting to see if they can set this up
Everything is installed ok and set up fine just when pll join they get the email with an activation link and the page is blank when they click it.
Right. And if the wildcard subdomains are not set up, this is what happens. Or one of the many things that *could* happen.
More simply put: if wildcard domains ar enot setup, and a user signs up for a blog, the MU system creates it in the database, and the server creates it virtually (ie; the wildcard part). if this is not done, then the blog - as far as the server figures - doesn't exist.
Go back to step one. Do not pass go. The install instructions assume you have widlcards set up in Apache already.