Relating to earlier comments in this topic concerning docs for open source projects, and specifically MU... I would argue that MU is suited primarily for the developer (or integrator) w/ a decent level of experience. This is especially true w/ MU. MU is a fairly complicated package, and requires a learning curve even for those experienced in PHP/MYSQL/etc.
I've found that the code *is* the documentation in many cases, when (as is often the case) "real" documentation doesn't exist. My typical sequence w/ looking for an answer is 1.) codex first, 2.) then google search, 3.) and then code. It's great when solutions and answers exist w/o needing to look at code (it's faster), but many times just not there.
I would not recommend that someone without PHP/Mysql experience attempt to implement MU. Would be a rough ride IMO, and probably would need to rely on others to explain a lot. That warning received when installing MU, stating that you should go to if you aren't fluent in PHP, is a well stated.
That said, you really can't learn w/o getting your feet wet :) So, if a person is interested, it can't hurt to install MU and play around!