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How Do I Make These Theme Edits? (5 posts)

  1. pab1953
    Posted 17 years ago #


    I need to make the changes below to the default WPMU theme across 10 blogs I've created based on it plus any future blogs I may create.

    What pages do I need to edit on the server?

    I've put together a mock-up of my intended edits here:


    Changes to make:

    1. Horizontal nav bar with drop-downs at the top of every page (a little JS, a little HTML, a little CSS)
    2. Containers for one or two ads below nav bar.
    3. The Kubrick theme shifted to left to accommodate ...
    4. ... right hand column containing vertical image and text ads.

  2. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    You might want to read up on the template structure over on the codex.

    As for basic html, there are loads of books and and a plethora of information through google.

  3. pab1953
    Posted 17 years ago #


    I've read quite a lot and I think I understand some. I've got my top nav to appear on all "main" pages, via header.php. But now I need to add it to single posts and Pages ... and I'm having trouble.

    E.g. I added my CSS and JS for the top nav -- both -- to single.php, but this didn't make it appear.

    Should the CSS be in style.css? What about the JS?

  4. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    - CSS goes into the style.css file. It's called via the header.php file.
    - js should be in a *.js file and called via a script tag.
    - header.php is probably called already by the single.php file and the page.php file. Take a look at those files for a get_header line. That's where the header.php file is called. You'll note that the single.php and page.php files do not have any additional header information in there. (At least they better not)

    Hope this helps,

  5. pab1953
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Where should the .js file be called from for a menu to appear on all pages?

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