Posted 17 years ago #
Mmm does wordpress MU support GZIP compression for its output ?
I ran my main blog through http://www.gidnetwork.com/tools/gzip-test.php and it says its not enabled so i assumed it doesn't work on Wordpress but then found in Wordpress Codex
gzip enabled
You can save some bandwidth by turning on the gzip option in your WordPress install. WordPress gzips content when the readers' browser supports it. This requires the mod_gzip module to be enabled in your Apache server installation.
Under managing and configuring your weblog. Is it not in MU, been removed or did i miss an option ?
Posted 17 years ago #
To answer my own question i needed to recompile apache to have gzip support. Works now and seems pretty good.
Size, Markup (bytes) 12,604
Size, Compressed (bytes) 3,156
Compression % 75.0
75% compression, not bad at all :)
Yes, MU support gzip. But default setting are disabled. You must enabled yourself in site admin panel. Or use site upgrade to upgrade all(need hardcode).
I don't see it on my site admin pages.
Posted 17 years ago #
Its not there Drmike, at least i couldn't see it. So i recompiled apache with the gzip_module and it activated itself.
However i did notice a load increase on the server so have since taken it off.