Has anybody noticed if there has been a change in video from Google lately. It seems that all the videos that are being displayed in our blogs are auto loading. I have checked several sites where I know video from google is being used, mu install, standard wp installs and they are all auto loading. This is a pain when there are a 10 videos on the main page.
We are using the Anarchy Media Player on two sites, and I think vipers quick tags on another.
This is only with video.google.com, I have a some youtube videos that are on the same pages and they are not auto loading.
I haven't seen it. I'm using WP-ExtremeVideo though and it didn't autoload. Link.
Loaded kind of slow to me...
Drmike, your video is autoloading for me, on FF, Safari and IE6. Not sure what's up with google and haven't found anything yet about it on the net. Their embed codes don't seem to have changed.
It's an annoying bandwidth waster at the moment ... but that kubrick/floyd video is awesome.
Drmike, it is autoloading for me to.
zeug, ditto on both your statements. (by the way this is Aaron from your comments)
For all the good it will do I have attempted to contact tech support at google video with an explanation of the problem.
Strange as it's not for me. I was playing it last night so it may be in cache and I'm just not seeing it autoload.
I stand corrected. I see where it's autoloading. (Shouldn't have tested it on a 30 minutes long video. The bar barely moves)
Amazing. I just heard from Tech Support at Google. Here is their response.
Thanks for your email. We understand your embedded videos have started loading automatically.
We're aware of this problem, and our engineers are looking into it. We hope to have it fixed soon. We appreciate your feedback and support as we work to resolve this issue.
The Google Video Team
/me in shock that you got a reply. I'm still trying to track down a Adsense check from 7 months ago.