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tag cloud on wordpress Mu ? (13 posts)

  1. puneetworld
    Posted 19 years ago #

    I am still in basic stage of setting up wordpress mu.. but have been exploring other website powered by wordpress mu .. and haven’t come across any which has implemented tag cloud … because this is an intresting thing which i am lookign forward

    I have noticed other users of wordpress using this

    not sure if its compatible with wordpress Mu was wondering has any one tried implementing Tags cloud in wordpress MU ?

  2. mspecht
    Posted 19 years ago #

    While having a WP plugin to do this is cool, I am not sure as to why users would want to add more meta data to their posts, or is it just me. I would look at using to process either the blog's RSS feed or a complete a site's OPML file (whihc you would have to write).

  3. ChristineD
    Posted 19 years ago #

    (UTW is my plugin (: I haven't tried using it with WPMU; so I'll have to check and see what adjustments I need to make to get it to work...)

    I'm a little weary of - it uses the Yahoo! term extraction service; which in my experience isn't very good. Sometimes it picks up useful keywords, and other times it brings back crud. Perhaps they're doing some sort of profound post-processing that gets rid of the useless tags...

    *is waiting to see what it makes of my RSS feed*

    In any case, UTW does a whooole lot of things; and one of them is rendering a tag cloud (:

  4. puneetworld
    Posted 19 years ago #

    mspecht - i am ware of tagcloud but one issue is it takes user to another website i could prefer something which localised is at same place ... and UTW does that and also many others thing as pointed by christineD

    also christine rightly pointed out .. the tag may or may not be relevent

  5. mspecht
    Posted 19 years ago #

    True and if christine can get it working for wpmu then it would be an obivous choice.

  6. spaceman
    Posted 19 years ago #

    any progress with this?

  7. ChristineD
    Posted 19 years ago #


    I couldn't get WPMU to install the first time I tried d:

    I will have another go at it, though (:

  8. amanzi
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Hi Christine - I'm willing to help you test out UTW. I've set up WPMU for testing at (there's just a couple of live blogs on there now) and would be willing to give you access so that you could test/modify WPMU to get it working. Email me at 'stuart at amanzi dot co dot nz' if you like.

  9. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Just posting here what I had posted earlier in a related thread:

    folks, I haven't come up with the code myself, but in a seperate thread drmike pointed out that the correct strategy might be:

    1) Install WPMU Feed and generate an RSS feed pulling from all blogs

    2) Use a RSS to Post plugin that imports...well...RSS to posts.

    3) Take that data and and perhaps install Ultimate Tag Warrior to generate the tags but hide the actual posts? (I don't really have a good working knowledge of how UTW works at this point)

    In any is a plugin that apparently takes RSS feeds and turns them into posts:

    Feedwordpress is the name of the game, and though it doesn't import from blogger posts, I think it does for WP 2.0+. Any takers?

    EDIT: from the feedwordpress Site at


    To use version 0.98 of FeedWordPress, you will need:

    1) an installed configured copy of WordPress 2.0.x pr 1.5.x. (It won’t work with WP 1.2 or WP MU development builds.)
    2) FTP or SFTP access to your web host

    Damn. Well maybe someone here can hack the plugin to make it compatible? I was going to try it on my WPMU install but I have bloggers on there now...need to look into getting a test install up and running somewhere!

  10. suleiman
    Posted 18 years ago #

    christine, did you ever get the chance to look into UTW integration for MU?

  11. abhic
    Posted 18 years ago #

    utw for mu would be amazing...

  12. andrea_r
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Just some notes while I look this over, it may help someone else get jumpstarted (like Christine maybe :D ):

    I dropped it into mu-plugins, so it woudl be automagically on, and it's a no-go. Fails install, no tables created.

    So, in ultimate-tag-warrior.php, I checked for hardcoded plugin directories and changed them. Still no install.

    In ultimate-tag-warrior-core.php, there's a whole class that checks for install, so the first step is somewhere in there.

  13. a-bishop
    Posted 18 years ago #

    any news here?

About this Topic

  • Started 19 years ago by puneetworld
  • Latest reply from a-bishop