i am like Bruz...I'd like to find a way to make it as easy as possible for visitors to the site to interact with it. i've been running a local portal site in Plone for about 2 years, and while folks did interact from time to time, it just wasn't getting the kind of interaction i felt it should be.
for one, just to add a comment, they had to actually "join" the site and log in. so now i've scrapped that whole setup and relaunched the site in Wordpress.
what i was searching for just now, when i found this post, was some sort of plugin that allows the user to select a Category for their comments when they post them. that way, i could just make a generic "Announcements" page, for example, and then have them select whether the comment they are adding to that page is an Event, Classified, etc.
after reading this thread, i am thinking my best bet may be to just "dumb down" the admin panel, and only beef it up for those users that can handle it. i'm also gonna try out the Global Categories and see how that goes. I'd like all the Categories that I add to be visible in everyone's blog.
anyway, i'm not sure i've really added anything of substance to this thread...just wanted to express empathy for Bruz. :)