Can integrate mu blogs and adsense?
Can integrate mu blogs and adsense?
yes, just edit the themes and add the coder wherever you want.
and user can do this and maybe remove adsense. and someone had to pay the bill
users can't edit themese only the admin.
hi, i have tried to insert adsense code in my themes...but the banner don't appear into the theme....which file can i edit to insert adsense in some themes? thanks
nothing? help me please
When I tried adding adsense it never worked.. but then I realised it was adblock on firefox that stopped it showing - could that be it?
i insert the adsense manually... you can insert in the sidebar.php in each theme and work perfectly. I don't know about the firefox's option
I know how to insert adsense into the sidebar - even though I don't know how to make it fit without going outside the lines on the right.
I want to insert adsense to my pages but it doesn't show up when I save and publish. How can I put adsense on each posting I do?
You don't. MU strips out javascript because it is a security risk.
Instead, you add it to the templates.
add it to which ones.
what I mean is, which files do I add the adsense code to?
If you have to ask that, are you even in the right forum? Are you running MU? If you are, templates is something you should already know.
Check and the codex.