Posted 17 years ago #
I'm looking for a solution for k12 education. the perfect product would use active directory accounts and permissions and be easy to administer possibly thousands of blogs.
I've tried installing mu on ubuntu with little success (various problems, different one every time). No problems whatsoever with wordpress, works like a charm. Is there better documentation for localhost installations? I'd prefer documentation that's "officially" sanctioned rather than just somebody winging it.
Please do a search for localhost. We've discussed it many times. The one thing that comes to mind right off is to use 'localhost.localdomain' as the base URL since the software needs an actual domain name fo rit to work.
As to the various problem, listing them would help us help you.
Posted 17 years ago #
Thanks. Did that first. I'll try again. I was using
That's cool. You have to use an actual domain name for WPMu to work. Best bet would be to use localhost.localdomain or come up with a domain and add that to your HOSTS file. Of course that will only work locally.
Posted 17 years ago #
Little tricky because machine is in dmz and not actually part of the (windows) domain -- for security reasons. DNS doesn't really care, we can take care of that. Don't want to confuse windows, though. That can get ugly. Windows seems to think anything with a fqdn -- like "blog.troy.k12.mi.us" should be in the active directory infrastructure.
I think you can still override it in the HOSTS file, using something like "wpmu.loc" or similar non-existent TLD.
Or you could always get an Edublogs Premium account http://edublogs.org/services
education, wpmu, it is a bit relevant :D
Posted 17 years ago #
You dirty pimp James... lol