I though this might be an interesting topic as besides all the heavy stuff in terms of plugins, databases, themes etc. there's always a fair number of little edits and teaks to be made with each wpmu upgrade.
Perhaps by listing them here we can help each other identify niggling things that need to be changed and maybe produce a useful list of stuff that can be fixed up in future releases.
Anyway, for 1.1.1 I'll be making the following tweaks... howabout you?
* index.php - Remove RSS feeds & replace with edublogs links
* admin-footer.php - Edit for edublogs footer and forums link
* menu-header.php - Add in extra links (forums & premium)
* admin-functions.php - Replace Browsehappy with own Firefox referral badge (or just delete)
* themes.php - Remove guff about uploading themes at the bottom
* plugins.php - Remove guff about adding plugins & change text at top explaining plugins.
* wpmu-functions.php - Edit default first links (and anything else) to your liking
Looking forward to others mini-edits :)