Why don't we just use the http://wordpress.org/support/ big 'ol search box here?
'Twould cut down on non searchees I reckon.
Cheers, james
Why don't we just use the http://wordpress.org/support/ big 'ol search box here?
'Twould cut down on non searchees I reckon.
Cheers, james
If I remember correctly it has something to do with the bbpress theme used for the wp forums being shared with the wpmu forums.
I *think* that's the case anyway.
You could make it 10 times that big, and I don't think it would help.
Someone gets excited, whether from error or whatever, and they do the first natural thing. They post.
Granted it's the same on any forum, and a common forum courtesy to search first before asking for help, but such is life.
Mostly it's "new" users. They're so hot and excited about the "possibilities" of MU, and how they can make a really popular site, that it carries over into wanting an answer right now, and not having to wade through a search. I'd bet it doesn't cross their mind.
Either that, or they "try" to search, but don't really know how to search properly, and use common keywords that "we" would use to find something.
The only thing that might help is improved documentation (I know, kill me), but then again the documentation that's already in place isn't used much.
Actually it works now. Has for a couple of weeks. :)
I stand corrected :)
yeah but it searches via google. and that's poopie.
Agreed but it probably makes Automattic a few cents every day. :)
Why not put a search box above the new post box on the new post page?
Then they have to possibly see it before they enter a new post. Yeah, I know 90% of people still won't, but if you force them to scroll down to enter a new post, then they might see it.
Bradford Knowlton
I agree - 95% of this stuff can be sorted out through design.
That's the issue. Donncha has no control over the design.
*chuckle* Hey I'm looking for the search function here in the forums. Can someone please point me to it?
If we put a window in your gut, could you see it then? :D
he he he he.
I think people read "[Closed] Search MU Forums" so they think the search is CLOSED!!!
For the number of PHP programmers around here, wouldn't someone figure out a way to display the correct search box based on the url?
mu.worpdress.org searches mu
http://www.wordpress.org searches non-mu
Sounds like 2 lines of code, 1 if statement, but what do I know.