What would be the correct RewriteRule to get image-uploading.php working from the latest wpmu-tarball? Btw. This feature is sooo cool. Thanks for that.
What would be the correct RewriteRule to get image-uploading.php working from the latest wpmu-tarball? Btw. This feature is sooo cool. Thanks for that.
It would help if that file was in the tarball to begin with.... Hopefully it will make it in there soon...
Until then you can get it from:
Just put it in your wp-inst/wp-admin directory, there is no rewrite rule needed, however the DVI needs some styling to widen it as it is a little squished right now.
Actually discard the styling bit, I just had the old wp-admin.css cached, a reload fixed it up. :)
My upload screen is only a small box compare to the wordpress.com version. Anyone else getting this, or is it just me?
Force a reload, same thing happened to me with the caching.
How is this actually used? I have droped the file into the wp-admin folder but I can't seem to find where it is put in the admin panel.
Hmmm, is your image-upload working? URLs like example.com/wp-admin/image-uploading.php?action=view&post=2 are routed to the Mainpage. I'm using latest nightly-build including latest htaccess. Any help is appreciated.
I have sort of figured it out... it appears on the new post page but uploaded images do not work, dodgy htaccess :)
I'll see if a fix makes it through today and if not I'll have a look at the .htaccess myself later tonight.
I've now updated to the latest unstable with the new image-upload.php and it's working now. Thanks to the wizards working in the background :-) Though previously uploaded pictures don't show up in the new upload-manager, but, hey, I can live with that.
I'm up to date with .htaccess and all files (Sect28 release) & my image uploading still doesn't work. the preview box doesn't bring up the image at all. the link is http://username.domain.com/files/2005/09/HPIM0195.JPG for instance & is defaulting to the users' blog homepage
having the same problem here.
Trying to figure out what needs to be change in the .htaccess file
having same problem, the image isn't uploading and the directories aren't being created.
I am having this problem also. If I try to upload an image, it creates a new directory structure (/files/2005/10/) in /wp-inst/wp-content/blogs.dir/ and the files are put there.
However, when I am in the Image Uploading section of the Write Post page, the image is just listed as the name, and there is no thumbnail. Trying to open the path to that file simply opens the blog itself, although the url shown is still the full path to the uploaded image.
If anyone can help, I would really appreciate it.
Just started getting the same issues... Tried to play with the .htaccess and promptly made things worse... If I find a solution here, I will try to let everyone know.
I don't know if this will help anyone that may be looking into this, but I am starting to think that there may be a problem with the blogs file in the wp-content directory... Might be something to look at for someone that has more php and wp skills than I.
I am having the same problem as everyone else
Same problemo.
The path http://test.xblogspot.com/files/2005/10/ring.jpg redirects to the blog itself.
heeelp :D blah..
Try this with your htaccess file: