There is an php the_author_posts();
function. Is there something, which can do the same, but for every blog in my wpmu install?
Thanks for Your help.
There is an php the_author_posts();
function. Is there something, which can do the same, but for every blog in my wpmu install?
Thanks for Your help.
wpmu-functions.php has a
and aget_most_active_blogs
Are you trying to do like a sitewide post count or something like that for a specific author? I know when you go Dashboard -> Users, it shows a post count for each member of your blog. I wonder if you can use the functions mentioned and then run a loop.
What exactly are you trying to do?
thanks for the replies. I have 8 blogs, and I want to make a list, with all the authors on it, and make links to their posts on each blog.
But I want to do it, that only those people have link to a blog, who already posted there. That's why I need to know, whether they posted there or not. OK, not really interested how many posts he has, but if I know that too, it's just better.
Hope, You understand, what I mean.
Sorry, but you lost me on that one.
Best I can offer is this:
and look at the bottom 3 author tags.
lunabyte: Yes, they work, but do not show me whether my author has a post on another blog.
OK, example, what I need:
blog3 is a list of all the registered users. And I want to have a list of the users posts, if they have. Example:
peter is an author, so I want to show up, but only if he already posted there. So I need a function like the above, which makes that. :-) If there is one.
That's what those functions do.
Only tell you if someone has posted on that blog.
If they haven't, they don't show up.
Unless you want a list for the entire MU domain, located on one particular page.
If so, I'd hate to be the server admin because that could be one massive query if you're going to go through all the individual blogs' post tables to look for an author. Ouch. Talk about eating some resources.
lunabyte: That's exactly my problem. I need the list on one blog from all the users in every blog... that's my porblem. :-)