I'm making a blog community for an educational project with wordpress mu. Because of the characteristics of the project, the community will be a closed community of authors and editors (between 400 and 500) grouped in about 20 or 30 blogs.
The first problem was register users. To solve it I'm writing a script to parse a csv file with user's data and register them with a default password and without an email confirmation. I saw the plugin commented here (http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic.php?id=3625&replies=3) but it isn't exactly what I want, because I want to skip the email confirmation.
The other problem I have is to make the blogs automatically. I searched again in the forums and I found this topic (http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic.php?id=1633&replies=12) but again it isn't exactly what I want. I want to start a blog, configure it with the initial post, pages, categories, links, etc, and clone it for 20 times changing only the name.
If there is anyone that can put me in the good way.. I'm newbie in this platform and I don't know which functions are available and where can I find them.