I've a wmpu installation in where I user sub-domain option. Now I try to get"subdomain" string to use in a script. I mean how I can get "thisblog" in:
I've a wmpu installation in where I user sub-domain option. Now I try to get"subdomain" string to use in a script. I mean how I can get "thisblog" in:
To do exactly what with?
There's many ways to do it, depending on what you need to do with the data.
Going to need more details on this one.
I have created a php file inside wp-admin folder and will use it to include another file in media.mysite.com/thisblog directory. I need "thisblog" string to put in my include path.
You could either explode the SERVER variable for host by the . and then choose the 0 key of the array produced, or you could use the blog_id to run the get blog details function and then use the generated array key from that.
Thanks Lunabyte, but I would really appreciate if you come with an example. I'm afraid to do something wrong! Thanks