I am trying to get bbPress and WordpresMU to integrate. (I happen to be using MU1.0, but I doubt that that is at all related to my current problems).
I followed the instructions linked to in many locations on this forum and the bbPress docs as well, and most everything seems to work. Except, one problem (so far)...
Namely I am not getting shared login working. What I mean by this is that if I login on MU as user "test1" and then go to my bbPress main page, bbPress thinks I am not logged in. If I login to bbPress it uses the user info correctly so that my mu credentials are used (that's working great) but if I log out of bbPress, I don't get logged out of mu.
To make matters more complicated, I can login as "test1" in mu and "test2" in bbPress and they don't seem to complain.. of course it's a totally confusing situation to the user.
So I am sure this is related to cookie sharing, and I must have missed some step somewhere.
The one thing I was confused by was the following instruction...
In bbpress/config.php you're supposed to set wp_home and wp_siteurl, and it says to go to Options->General to get these values. Well, clearly this is a wordpress (non-MU) instruction since the General tab in MU doesn't show these values... so what should it be?
I've tried using the full url "http://www.domain.com" to my main MU home page, but that didn't seem to work.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.