Anyone have one they'd like to share, I don't really want to take a hundred screenshots.
Anyone have one they'd like to share, I don't really want to take a hundred screenshots.
I spent a night doing about 30.
I'll see about making them available.
Any luck with that? ;-)
Our theme Browser is available
Screenshots for all the themes we are offering our users are available to downoad to your local machine. They are all named "screenshot.png" so save them directly to your theme folders.
I will be making more available as we add the themes to our MU.
Pointillist Press Theme Browser
Only a few there at the moment.Please help yourself.
Oh Yes,
Once I have a good number available, I will create an archive with file paths.
Anyone with others already done, please send them to me for inclusion.
I will give thanks where karma dictates!
When our "Pointillist Themes" are considered finished we will make them availabe for download as well.
160 Themes collection
Are all 160 themes adapted to WPMU? If so that's impressive!
I gathered them, I went up them to wpmu, I made them screenshot, I added many Theme_Switcher and I proved them.
I fixed them like I believe that one makes, I am not expert.
It seems that Impact (both), Lucid, triSexuality, Imhotep, Gespaa (both), Flex, Spiral, Involution and Meteora neither have Theme_Switcher. Please, you can see them in
any update on this? federico's theme link is now broken :(
People are working behind the scenes to make themes MU-tested and widgetized.
I'm behind in my work this week; I've only done 3 or 4.
andrea, widgetising the themes is just adding four lines of coding from the readme right? I did it a while back to my main theme.
Yep, pretty much. Two lines to the sidebar, two to the functions file. I'm also adding an admin panel to the ones I've got to swap sidebars from left to right and change fonts/sizes, not using the WP Theme Toolkit, but one we've done ourselves.
(I've noticed in using WP Theme toolkit, and themes that implement it, the admin panel stays in the menu even after you switch off that theme. Our doesn't. It keeps track of which theme is activated and also if you're using the theme switcher, which one you've selected.)
PLUS I'm making absolutely sure they work with MU and don't have hard-coded links in them and such. It's also important to note that there are a lot of themes floating out there that have forgotten to style the calendar. I'm guilty of that as well. *sheepish look*
No, it's not hard to do one theme, but it is laborious to do all the testing. AndrewBillets asked in another thread for people to send in themes for MU that we knew worked 100% out of the box. Just trying to do my part.
Andrea, can you guide me exactly on how to do the rest of what you have been doing, after the four lines in sidebar and function file? You can drop me an email if i's too long winded here. sam at . Thanks!
I would like to contribute to widgetizing themes too. Giving back to the community is good, especially on a GOOD FRIDAY! haha :)
When you guys get done just email them to me and i'll put them all together. Spring allergies have gotten the best of me the last two days so if I haven't replied to someones email don't worry i'm just a little behind. ;)
So far i've gotten about 25.
Hey no problem andrew, will send them to you. You take care and rest well. :)
Do you have a list of themes that you have recieved and are mu ready. That way we dont double send thing to you.
I have several that I have been working with, just need to remove some hard linked items from them.
Speaking of hard coded links, alot of times when designing themes I use <?php bloginfo('url'); ?>
as a way of building links in a theme, easy way to link back to the home page. What I am wondering is, is there a tag, similar to that, that will alow us to link back to the "main domain" not just the home page of that blog. Seeing how I am going through and removing hard links (mainly ones that point to the main domain) it would be nice to replace them with a mu tag.
I need to dig through the wpmu functions and look.
Rest up Andrew, we've got the flu here. :-/ Pass the tissues.
I'm wondering the same thing sort of like ergate - do we want MU themes to say powered by Should they? Why not Powered by WordpressMU? And with a link to the main domain?
Also, I did find at least one theme I was using had been updated for widgets, but had also added the Theme Toolkit, which totally broke it when I tried it. Not good, as that's a popular theme on my install.
Sam, I'll have to get back to you. :)
Can I help with something? Is there a link or a repository where all the themes are stored? I'm interested in translating them ... well one by one till I'm stuck. ;)
There is no link repository currently, but andrew is consolidating every proper WPMU theme. We'll wait for him to put them up available for download.
I haven't had anyone other than james send me themes yet so i'm having to hunt for themes. I've got a list that i'm about to narrow down to 50 and then i'll upload sometime this week.
I have a bunch I have to get around to sending you. :)
Note to onlookers: This afternoon, I sent andrew a zip with 30 themes in it.
andrea, ive sent you an email asking for a copy of those themes also :)
Just wondering, if there isnt already - someone interested can setup a blog for the WPMU themes at (possibly and keep us all up to date with the latest packs (hosted on megaupload, or any other free host etc) I would, but im not working on the packs, but if someone wants to help id be happy to organise some stuff.
I've gotten the themes all sorted out. It came to about 75 all together. I'll upload them either this afternoon or tomorrow morning. :)
(I made another one yesterday, not released yet. Needs testing in an MU setup.)
Wow! That's a whoole good bunch andrew!
Kudos to all who contributed. :)
may sound like a stupid question but where can I find these themes?
Alrighty, the themes are all ready.
To download the theme pack please go to
Currently the pack only contains 30 themes however I have about 40 more that I will add as soon as they are tested. If you'd like to help out in testing the themes please download the unstested themes here and either report back in this thread or send an email to
Sorry for taking so long to get theme uploaded. I've had exams all week :)
btw, "" is sorta like the theme hotline. If you have a theme send it via email to that address, if you have a comment use that address, etc.
Oops, almost forgot. A big thank you to Andrea and James(Farms) for helping out! :)
I'm using a build from 2006-04-22 and unpacked the archive into <wpmu_home>/wp-inst/wp-content/themes/ yet when I look under the Presentation tab I get an error that:
Anthurium Mix MU Template is missing.
Dark Maple MU Template is missing.
Juicy Template is missing.
Tropical Breeze Template is missing.
Zen MinimalistMU Template is missing.
Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong?