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Migrate from sub-folders to subdomains (17 posts)

  1. anabelle
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Hi, i currently run a community of about 20 Blogs on a subfolder based mu installation ( because my hosting provider limited me to 10 subdomains only.

    Tomorrow i will buy a better hosting service with Unlimited subdomains and i will be migrating my whole site. I dont know though which is the best way to migrate mu since i have to change from subfolders to subdomains, ind i need to keep all uploaded files, and offcourse, all comments, posts, and categories too.

    I thought about creating a clean mu installation and import blog by blog, but i guess it's slow and "unpractical".

    Could you please point me the right direction to get this migration done clean and easy :)

    Thank you

  2. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    You know, MU actually only eats "1" subdomain DNS entry. That being a wildcard, that allows use of any subdomain virtually. A little late now for that info though.

    Clean and easy? Clean, probably. Easy isn't something that would be used to describe it. Lots of edits all through the db.

    You could possibly export each blog through the backend, under manage I think, but I can't say that it would actually work. Might though. Of course the SE's are going to end up with a lot of 404 errors.

  3. anabelle
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Ok, i now have my new hosting account set up.

    Could you please guide me to the edits necessary to migrate, a step by step guide would be great. lol

    But i just need some directions.

    I've thought about setting up a clean Mu installation using subdomains and then import the old database and get mu connected to it. But what do i have to edit in the database?

    Do i have to edit anything else besides the database?

    What about uploaded files?

  4. anabelle
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Im really willing to get some help before i start working and mess everything up....

  5. anabelle
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Is this that hard, that no one knows how to do it? if so, please tell me and i'll start figuring out how to do it.

  6. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Know how? Yes.

    Willing to help rip apart your database and possibly cause you to have to start over? No. Even with the general "not useful for any purpose and at your own risk" clauses.

    I mean, it really isn't that difficult to figure out, and it can be done with a lot of editing. But I don't think many volunteers here want to guide you along and have something really muck up bad.

  7. demonicume
    Posted 17 years ago #

    what a dang minute... so Mu only uses 1 subdomain? are you kidding me? the only reason i used subdiectories is cuz my host wouldnt allow me enough subdomains. :-( i'm very very sad now. no one is every going to fix sitewide feed to work with subdirs...

  8. anabelle
    Posted 17 years ago #

    lunabyte, id rather get some help, mess it up and start over that just trying myself and messing up for sure.

  9. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Yes, MU only uses 1 subdomain.

    That would be a wildcard DNS entry, which your host may/may not allow. They would also have to be willing to make the edit to apache's configuration file as well.

    So technically speaking, yes it only uses one subdomain. That being a "*".

  10. lanris
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I just finished an install of WordPress MU and I want to do the exact opposite - go from subdomains to sub folders. Any ideas?

  11. lanris
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Going from subdomain to sub folder was much easier than I had anticipated.

    Remove all initial files from root
    Reinstall WPMU using same database information
    - be sure to select Sub Folder option

    I got a few warnings about duplicate tables, but everything seems to be working.

    I did this before there were any records to speak of, so I don't know how useful this is if you are already established, but the few posts I did have in there are working fine.

  12. ReikiMusic
    Posted 17 years ago #

    And what does one need to do to go back the other way, from sub folders to sub domains?

    Where is this setting stored exactly?

    Would be "nice" to change it more easily...


  13. dcritic
    Posted 15 years ago #

    For future reference (sorry for necroposting)
    in config.php, find:

    define('VHOST', 'yes');

    change yes to no for folders.

  14. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Except on a live site with already created blogs, this doesn't work. The URLs are hard-coded in the database.

  15. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

    ...many many many places throughout the database.

  16. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    ... and for each blog too

  17. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

    ...[Sagan]billions and billions of places[/Sagan]

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