Anyone have a link to a wordpress MU ready stats plugin, I posted a thread with help regarding wp-shortat, but that went unnoticed, so any help?
Anyone have a link to a wordpress MU ready stats plugin, I posted a thread with help regarding wp-shortat, but that went unnoticed, so any help?
Maybe its the new version that wont work, anyone willing to zip up the files and send me a link?
even if I place in plugins so tables are created it wont work
well, no one said he got the new version running, we are mostly still running the old version,...
I am still waiting for dkmike's email to make it work 100% :P
anyone willing to send the old version?
nevermind, I've decided to build my own, so it will have all the features I want. :D I might post all the source when im done in a few weeks.
wp-slimstat-ex v1.4.1 works when put in /plugins/. It's probably possible to just add something which creates tables if they are not there in some add_action instead of using it as as plugin and have them created if the user activates it.
Basically I had to change the stats page in the admin section since it prints out the database name and password by default, change the GeoIP database to be put and used in a sitewide row instead of created on a pr. user basis, put a die() in the php file for external site tracking and.. that's about it, really.
that's just a .zip I made just now as the plugin as used. It works when put in /plugins/, the user can activate it and get a stat page on the dashboard, it gives the user a rather long configuration page which probably can be trimmed down, but at as said, it works when activated, it shows stats and does what it's supposed to.
If anyone uses this and changes it so it fits nicely in mu-plugins and creates the needed pr. user tables using some hook then please do share. It's really only getting tables created automatically if they don't exist & changing a few hardcoded /plugin/ references that stops it from existing in /mu-plugins/.
I'm going to release what I'm using, hopefully Sunday. I've had a lot of folks request it and I figured out a method of listing the top blogs within WPMu.
Nice, I'm having a bated breath moment!
Great, I'm also looking for some stats plugin for all the blogs in my site.
I'm having a couple minor issues (And we're having below freezing weather here in Charlotte this week so I'm being grabed for volenteer work like mad) but you can sort of see it on