Kudos to MU team!
I tried to use early versions of Wordpress Mu a year or two ago... It just was not ready for prime time...
The new version is a breeze to install and configure.
If I ever said anything sharp to Donncha or cru - I'm sorry.
MU Now Rocks... Thanx for staying with it and making it better!
Hey e4God.. thanks for trying it again :) you're one of the old skool guys!
i'm relatively a baby here. i came from a Joomla. i needed a multi-blog site and i wasnt sure the joomla extension would do the trick - no one would confirm or deny that it was useful. i couldnt find a single person running it. So i checked Mu out. Then things got tough - i.e. all the '<?php <><>< 'scared the hell out of me. i set up a test site on a personal server and i broke it everyday. i almost quit and went back to what i knew. i even looked into using a joomla front end. but months later, i'm glad that i stuck it out. now things are shaping up. my bloggers are all amazed at the options i've provided. if only they knew that i patrolled these forums like a shark in chummed waters... LOL. the MU sites i've come across are much more impressive than anything i ever saw in joomla or MT.
Mu is awesome.
I still use Joomla for several sites, and for what that CMS manages to do, I think it's amazing. Joomla is what I deploy for my corporate web clients.
But there is no doubting that WPMU for a community-based website is leaps and bounds ahead of Joomla, even with the bundled community builder extension. I find this community of thriving developers to be my cheif motivation in wanting to continue to embolden myself to push the thresholds of what I know. I never felt that way around the Joomla forums.
Hear, Hear, MU devs and forum lemmings: you all rock.
Posted 17 years ago #
this lemming luv's it too. :-{}
It's always been ace in my book :)
Posted 17 years ago #
<3 MU
..l.. to joom-blah... lol
Posted 17 years ago #
lunabyte you break me up :-))
Demonicume mentioned that he integrated MU Wordpress with Joomla. Can any tell me where I can find out more information on how to do this with Joomla? This would be so incredible to get it working.
I'm ask Demonicume or post in one of those threads where he discussed it.