I just went to this site: http://www.octagate.com/service/SiteTimer/
And ran my domain against it. Guess what I noticed? The site is loading fine, once the browser actually figures out what page to load from that is!
http://www.mydomain.com loads MUCH slower (about 3-7 seconds slower) than mydomain.com does.
I noticed this is because whenever http://www.mydomain.com is put in the url, the browser is redirected to the mydomain.com url.
At first I thought this was due to some necessary redirect rules unique to MU. But then I checked out drmike's domain, http://www.daria.be, and found that loading http://www.daria.be into SiteTimer was not causing a redirect.
How can I turn off this redirect? I didn't want to modify anything in the redirect rules until I knew what I was doing.