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Site Slow? Try this thread. (15 posts)

  1. suleiman
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I just went to this site:

    And ran my domain against it. Guess what I noticed? The site is loading fine, once the browser actually figures out what page to load from that is! loads MUCH slower (about 3-7 seconds slower) than does.

    I noticed this is because whenever is put in the url, the browser is redirected to the url.

    At first I thought this was due to some necessary redirect rules unique to MU. But then I checked out drmike's domain,, and found that loading into SiteTimer was not causing a redirect.

    How can I turn off this redirect? I didn't want to modify anything in the redirect rules until I knew what I was doing.

  2. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Donncha removed the "remove the 'www'" bit out of the .htaccess file for version 1.2 and just does it internally now.

    If you've upgraded to 1.2.1, you may have missed that since that files wouldn't have been in the download as it's originally htaccess-dist.php.

    Hope this helps,

  3. digiC
    Posted 17 years ago #

    for me, is 5 seconds faster than

  4. CoreyCampbell
    Posted 17 years ago #

    lol... uhm... so which one is better?

  5. SteveAtty
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I actually find that Firebug for Firefox gives some good timing information about page loading

  6. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Corey, "technically" the non-www would be "correct".

    What's the difference between:

    hello .domain.tld
    www .domain.tld

    Technically, nothing. They are both subdomains.

    Some networks do distinguish between the www and non-www, but it's not usually a problem.

    Try this, if you want to read about it.

  7. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I gotta admint that I like the www but I see folks by the ton misusing it.


    or the every popular:


    That last one breaks 30% of DNS on the net and most search engine speiders skip right over it or count it as a seperate site.

  8. php4ever
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I'm a little curious to see how canonical URL's play out with that one. Adding www could just as easily be without and index much the same way but would it always render the same with things like screen readers and other web tools.

    Hmmm, experiment time I do believe. I'll let you know what I discover

  9. SteveAtty
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Maybe I'm having a dense moment but what is the problem with


    as a domain name?

  10. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    From drmike:

    "I gotta admint that I like the www but I see folks by the ton misusing it.


    or the every popular:


    That last one breaks 30% of DNS on the net and most search engine speiders skip right over it or count it as a seperate site. "

  11. SteveAtty
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Yes .. I can read... but why does it break 30% of DNS on the net? Is it because the domain name structure is invalid under the NIC guidelines or it is that the DNS engines, search engine spiders aren't behaving properly.?

  12. CoreyCampbell
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Interesting. I don't see much a difference with either on my site. I think it's just my slow server... lol :D

  13. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    It's because too many places have older broken versions of Bind that should have been replaced eons ago doing their local DNS. Perfect example is the company NetZero gets their dialup access from (they won't say who they use, I'm guessing UUNet) since I'm thinking about it here. We have someone in the forums from Australia who can't see them either.

    As an aside they're (Netzero) also bad about out of date DNS records as well and won't poll the root servers when a new request is made.

    The local county libraries here in Charlotte have the same issue and they won a national technical award a few years back.

    It's been fixed with newer versions of Bind (When I'm on my laptop, I'm skipping whatever's local to me and using the dns on my own boxes and I know that that's kept up to date) but there are still those out there who don't keep an eye on updates.

    The 30% was a figure I read a few years ago when we had the last Bind worm and thatwas the percentage out of date Bind installs there were on the net.

  14. CoreyCampbell
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Okay. So what other ways are there to increase the speed of wordpress? I'm still not sure if I understand what's happening above. All I know right now is that it takes forever to login to the wordpress dashboard.

  15. suleiman
    Posted 17 years ago #

    corey, get firebug extension for firefox and see how long it takes to load the page, and what items the browser is taking longest to load.

    that's how the soolster rolls baby.

About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by suleiman
  • Latest reply from suleiman