I tried installing MU from mydomain.com/blogs but when i create a new blog its adress is blog.mydomain.com/blogs/ wich doesn't make any sense.
Where should i run the installation from so that each blog ends up being blog.mydomain.com ?
I tried installing MU from mydomain.com/blogs but when i create a new blog its adress is blog.mydomain.com/blogs/ wich doesn't make any sense.
Where should i run the installation from so that each blog ends up being blog.mydomain.com ?
i now tried puting filesin mu.mydomain.com and now each blogs ends up being blog.mu.mydomain.com
Im worried that if i put files in my root, index.php will be replaces by the one in MU please help me.... this is an EASY question...
Been much discussed here in the forums as well. Much discussed. It's also point #3 on the installation instructions:
For userblog.mydomain.tld to work, you have to install the files into the root of teh domain. You can not install them into a subdirectory or a subdomain. WPMu uses that as the root of the install and makes it's blogs off of that. if you install it into a subdirectory, then the blogs have to be subdirectories off of that. If you install it into a subdomain, you have to do subdomains off of the subdomain (which will cause DNS issues for a large percentage of your visitors and many search engines) or subdirectories off of that subdomain.
What you can do though is WPMu will detect a home.php file located within the home theme. Use your current index.php file as your new theme's home.php file and it will display.
Hope this helps,
Still not totally clear, Icurrently have a website running at mydomain.com, if i upload mu to the root, index.php willbe overwritten. Or if i dont overwrite it, mu wont work. right?
can i change index.php to blogs.php?
ill try the home.php but i dont quite get it, sorry, im not very good with english.
should i rename my actual index.php to home.php andput itin the default theme folder?