I'm working a bit on making Tarski MU-friendly out of the box.
For this, I need to be able to do conditionals that remove certain functionality and messages based on whether it's WPMU or WP.
Is there any standardised way of doing this, or will I need to kludge it with a function_exists() or something that detects an MU-only function?
Posted 17 years ago #
Easiest way:
if ( function_exists("is_site_admin") {
$mu = true;
} else {
$mu = false;
That's an MU only function, which detects the presence of an overall MU admin, and isn't present in WP.
Save yourself a step:
Very old version, drmike, and they ripped out a lot of functionality. The theme seems to work fine on MU, I just want to take out a few things like notes about upload locations for custom CSS files, upgrade notification, etc. Thanks, though - I'll probably be looking at it for any tweaks they may have made to fix issues.
lunabyte, that's great, thanks!
Just download my theme pack for a working version.
Easier for me to work from our codebase - 1.3 is out now, and 1.3.1 is underway on our dev site. I'm hoping to fold in WPMU stuff in 1.3.1.
I'd welcome any tips/requests/etc. if you or others have 'em... more WPMU themes is good for everyone. :D
Posted 17 years ago #
Nice to see a theme author take the initiative.
Thanks. ;)