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Subdomains problem??? (2 posts)

  1. mevans
    Posted 19 years ago #


    I seem to be having a problem with the subdomain for the script. The installation work just fine.

    But my tech tells me this:
    In order to emulate an actual sub-domain name, the script needs to add an appropriate mod_rewrite line to the .htaccess file, so the sub-domain url actually works. For some reason it does not do this.

    Your best bet would be to ask in the support forums at

    So here I am... Please help? Website is!

  2. jaseone
    Posted 19 years ago #

    I think from memory part of the installation process should copy htaccess.dist to .htaccess although maybe that is a manual step? can't remember as it has been a while since I've installed.

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