[NOTE: This was designed for subdomain instalations]
Hi, I'm currently using 2 domains on my MU instalation:
I started using first the .CL domain and after a couple of months, I switch the complete instalation to the .NET domain.
The Problem was, I need the old .CL URLS to resolve on the .NET adress for traffic, RSS and other related stuf.
I found a preatty clever way to manage this situation using apache2 mod_rewrite.
How To:
The situation is the Following
Main Domian: MAIN.NET
Secondary Domain (It Will redirect to Main): Secondary.COM
Virtual Host file for Secondary.COM
<VirtualHost Secondary.COM>
DocumentRoot /home/foo/bar
DirectoryIndex index.php index.htm
ServerName Secondary.COM
ServerAlias http://www.Secondary.COM
RedirectMatch (.*)$ http://MAIN.NET$1
RedirectMatch (.*)/$ http://MAIN.NET$1
RedirectMatch (.*).php$ http://MAIN.NET$1.php
<Directory "/home/foo/bar">
Options +FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
allow from all
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule .* - [F]
RewriteRule !^(..*|/)$ %{REQUEST_URI}/ [R=301,L]
This will redirect all the requests to Secondary.com to Main.NET, for example:
Will change to:
You can test it on my domains:
Main: http://losblogs.NET
Secondary (redirecting): http://losblogs.CL
It will redirect to:
other example:
Will redirect to:
I hope this can help those ppl who has a 2 or more domains for their MU instalation.
PD: You can check the full Virtualhost file on txt format here: