I notice that if I enter someblog.mydomain.com and a blog called someblog hasn't already been created, I'm directed to wp-signup.php and it fills in the form with someblog so I can create it.
I'd rather have it such that if I type in someblog.mydomain.com and a blog called someblog does not exist, I am directed to the main page of the site (which is not the signup page).
For the life of me I can't find whatever piece is causing this redirect. Little help?
I ended up just throwing an if statement in wp-signup.php to handle a particular word that I wanted to process differently. Not terribly elegant, but it works for right now.
Still curious where in the process it picks up that a word is not being used and that it should jump to wp-signup.php.
Posted 17 years ago #
Try grepping for wp-signup.php, and see what comes up.
Yah, I found it. I swear I looked for almost an hour, and within two minutes of my last post I figured it out.
Change wpmu-settings.php line 105:
header( "Location: http://{$current_site->domain}{$current_site->path}wp-signup.php?new=" . urlencode( $blogname ) );
header( "Location: http://{$current_site->domain}{$current_site->path} );
You forgot a " at the end .. (for the ones who'ld dare ask why it complains)
header( "Location: http://{$current_site->domain}{$current_site->path}" );
Posted 17 years ago #
Thanks Heyguy. Some Users were complaining about that extra click they had to go through to log in... <8|