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Problem with post-new.php: all categories won't display (5 posts)

  1. new-net
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I'm having an interesting issue with categories.

    wp-mu 1.2.1
    mysql 5.1
    php 5.x (cgi)

    If i write a new article (or edit an already existing one), not all categories show up on the right side "Categories" of the page.

    "Uncategorized" always shows tho.

    The weirdest thing is that categories are randomly displayed; i do not always see the same ones.

    It also happens with blogroll/links, if i add a new link, only a part of the categories show up, and again, now always the same ones.

  2. new-net
    Posted 17 years ago #

    More infos on this bug

    If a link is associed to a category, that category won't show
    in available posts categories.

    If a post is associated to a category, that category won't show in available links categories.

    Means, none of the categories can have both a post and a link associated .. hrm

    Sounds like an SQL issue to me..

    But i doubt i can fix this .. any ideas ?

  3. orvar
    Posted 17 years ago #

    This is by design. There is not enough room for all the possible categories so those that are infrequently used or used for links are hidden. You can always use the input field at top of the box to select categories not listed.

  4. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Is it? I thought that was only on the add links page while the Write Post page shoed them all.

  5. dsader
    Posted 17 years ago #

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