I would like to get a plugin that allows the visitor to fill in a form(Friend's Name, Email, Visitor Name, Email) to refer my site to others.
Please advice
Thank you.
I would like to get a plugin that allows the visitor to fill in a form(Friend's Name, Email, Visitor Name, Email) to refer my site to others.
Please advice
Thank you.
Do you ever search, and try to help yourself first?
This is like the 4th gimmie post I've seen.
luna, this is starting to peeve me off too dude...
The search function sucks on this site unless you have very specific and correct search keywords. What would you search to find this plugin? I would search the word "refer" but it pulls up "reference" in coding terms making the results useless. Plus a lot of the questions people have, they don't know the technical terms to search for at all.
Tell a friend is a good search ;)
But one of the first places I would go would be:
This ones may be more than you want but...
Gotta admit though that tell a friend is a risk. I would think it would be too easy for spammers to abuse.