I've done a multi site-install, basically:
- inserted a new domain "domain2" on wp_site
- created a new blog
- updated the site_id and domain on wp_blogs
- in admin, replaced domain1 by domain2 on every entry
- added by hand any missing line on wp_sitemeta for the new site_id
Now, on the "primary" domain (domain1) everything works. On the secondary (domain2) admin works: I can write both posts and pages, edit them, etc. But when I visit the site, posts show but pages redirect me to the wp-signup page (404).
And (best part comes now) if I create ON THE PRIMARY BLOG a page with the same name as one on the secondary, then the page on domain2 works! The actual page from domain2, I mean, the pages' content doesn't get mixed up. If I delete that page from domain1, it gives the 404 again on domain2.
So it seems like posts are working right but somehow page URIs get looked for only on domain1, despite the content is correctly pulled from domain2.
By the way, wp_ID2_postmeta looks right for pages (_wp_page_template=default).
Where should I look for? Anybody else is having this particular problem? Looks more like a code bug or something wrong on my DB?