Hi there. Has anyone considered porting the SK2 plug-in to use with MU?
Or does anyone know of any MU compatible anti-spam plug-ins?
Hi there. Has anyone considered porting the SK2 plug-in to use with MU?
Or does anyone know of any MU compatible anti-spam plug-ins?
Spam Karma 2 works out of the box with MU. It sets up options in each user's mysql table (i.e. wp_1_options
, wp_2_options
) and a global blacklist table.
How did you install SK2? Into the wpmu-plugins folder or into a subfolder?
Depends on how you want to use it. If you want to have everyone use it, place it in the wpmu-plugins folder. If you want to have your users choose to use it, turn on the plugin menu and place it in the normal plugin folder.
I just placed it into the wpmu-plugins folder but it doesn't appear in the wp-admin menus
Shoudl be there under Options.
No, it doesn't appear if I place it under mu-plugins. But it works if I put the folder under plugins and activate it for a specific blog. But I'd like to install it globally for all blogs.
Same here, it didn't work when put under the mu-plugins directory, had to resort to manually activate them on all the blogs we had.
for mu-plugins install,
1. copy folder SK2 into wp-content/mu-plugins/SK2/, except files spam_karma_2_plugin.php
2. Copy files files spam_karma_2_plugin.php into wp-content/mu-plugins/
3. Edit file files spam_karma_2_plugin.php line 876:
include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/sk2_admin_css.php"); to
include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/SK2/sk2_admin_css.php");
AND line 43:
include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/sk2_core_class.php"); to
include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/SK2/sk2_core_class.php");
4. Edit line 248:
$url = "<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?>?page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&sk2_section="; to
$url = "options-general.php?page=" . $_REQUEST['page'] . "&sk2_section=";
I am trying also, please try it!
So far so good. Thanks! You should send this fix to wpmudev.org.
Uh oh. There are a few more lines in the code that needs the path to be updated with "/SK2". Shouldn't be too hard for people to find and add.
Okay, I'm running SK2 in the regular plugins folder and now I want to move it to the mu-plugins folder. Anyone got any advice? And this is on a live system (sigh). Am I going to have to visit each blog and make sure it's fully activated?
I have recently implemented SK2 and it seems you do need to visit each blog. :-(
oh argh. Maybe I can get users to do it? :D
Alright, maybe this is a silly question but WPMU seems to have hashcash built in and hashcash says it is 100% successful at stopping spam, so why install SK2?
hashcash is just js protection and is not 100% successful :)
for trackback spam is not successful at all...
I had problems with legitimate users not being able to leave comments at ALL with hashcash installed. Had to get rid of it.
ok this look nice as far as functionnality is concerned, but what is shown to the user in a wpmu installation is way too much information for non-technical backgrounds.
Has anyone found a way to:
1) only let the site admin to set the settings for everyone.
2) not need every user do complex stuff like the checks.
Basically, what would be great for a spam plugin would be:
let the damin configure everything, the users see nothing of the plugin existence, all they have to do is click the "mark as spam" box and this helps everyone by enriching the system.
Spam karma looks awesome for someone with technical knowledge, but for the average blogger, this is all chinese stuff (my users are yet trying to understand RSS, trackbacks etc.).
I've foudn even with my non-technical users ("Hi, how do I make a link?") I just tell them to enable the plugin, click on the optiosn page like it says and don't touch anything. It'll work its magic after that. If they run into issues, then I go to their blog and tweak it for them.
Now, I don't have my SK2 in the mu-plugins folder, but if it *was* I really would love to see only me have access to it and have it deal with all blogs on the system automatically.
Isn't it possible to just drop the Akismet plugin in?
It's one of the main reasons I'm switching away from b2evo to MU after trying it on a normal Wordpress installation.
Anti-spam bliss.
have a look at the license page for akismet. Multiple thousands of blogs means big bucks.
I fail to see your point. Most of us, me anyway, are running MU just for a couple of friends, not multiple thousands of blogs.
From Askimet's site:
"You run blogs as part of a commercial venture (for example a corporate blog or a blog network) ... starting at $50/mo."
Now, I don't know about you, but the "couple of friends" (about oh, say, 150) I have on *my* blog network/MU install is not something I can afford $50/month for, on top of hosting. Not unless I want to start charging, and I really don't want to go there.
They do, however, say they can make "special arrangements" for non-profits, but why jump through all those hoops for Askimet when I can just drop in a plugin?
[quote]I fail to see your point. Most of us, me anyway, are running MU just for a couple of friends, not multiple thousands of blogs. [/quote]
Well, my point is, that personally I have 200+ new blogs everyday, so apparently we have different constraints. I'm glad you can afford akismet for your needs.
[quote]From Askimet's site:
"You run blogs as part of a commercial venture (for example a corporate blog or a blog network) ... starting at $50/mo."[/quote]
And that's a *starting*. If you look here: http://akismet.com/buy/enterprise/
you'll see:
"up to 1000 blogs: $750 a month"
There isn't even a line if you have more than 1000. In any case, 750$ a month for an antispam plugin is way too much money. For this (one-time !) price I'd 10 times rather have someone develop a custom plugin, maybe less efficient, but probably efficient enough.
>> They do, however, say they can make "special
>> arrangements" for non-profits, but why jump through all
>> those hoops for Askimet when I can just drop in a
>> plugin?
I think that's the bottom line. There seems to be some plugins doing *almost* what needs to be done for MU, we just need to figure what needs to be changed.
"I'm glad you can afford akismet for your needs"
Say what? Hello... I have 5 blogs for a few friends... how hard is it to understand that?!
Jeez, never mind, I'll just send a mail to them.
Nope, never mind. That didn't work. :(
It breaks the entire backend for me.
What breaks the whole backend? I've got SK2 in mu-plugins and it is running fine. I found all the places to alter path names eventually.
No, I was trying to move everything up a level into the mu-plugins subdirectory instead of just leaving it in the SK2 subdirectory and doing all of the editing involved but that didn't work and broke everything. We have to move the widget.php file up a subdirecty and I was hoping that this would work as well. Guess not and there was no way to just delete that post.
I'll have to go through and manually edit the path names one day. :)
OK, I got SK2 up and running. At least it looks like it's running. Hasn't errored out again.
Is it me or is this rather strong over kill on the settings menus? I'm just concerned anout getting the ever popular Soccer Mom, have her take one look at that, her face drops, and she runs for the hills. :)
edit: Holy crud, I just hit the Hide Advanced Options button. :(
Bad stuff?
I'm getting flooded by casino stuff on my main site blog at the moment, so I don't even want to know what happens to the MU blogs once they get hit by bots before I have any anti-spam up and running.