Frigging pain in the *cough* getting that offsite tag list in there but there is is. :)
Frigging pain in the *cough* getting that offsite tag list in there but there is is. :)
I didn't know you were already in bed with the offsite tag stuff.
I was going to pass off my handy dandy little plugin for it. :)
Feel free as all I did was an iframe to get it over there.
i like it. Simple. Elegant. Feature-rich.
My only suggestion: Where to signup? All I could notice was a small link to signup now, where before the best thing on was the promininent sign up button.
OK, I'll send it along later this morning.
I thought there was a separate domain for the external tags though. Guess I might be getting confused.
I think he meant the tag cloud that he has just for his blogs - it;s a seperate WP install.
That's what I was thinking, it just lead me to think of the big external tag project thingy.
BTW Doc, the plugin I'll send along would work for your main tag install too. ;)
So, you releasing said plugin? :D
For reference, the tag system on my setup is an external wp blog sitting in a subdirectory.
I just created a Page template over there without header, sidebar and footer calls and just have in there the function that create the tag cloud. The output is here.
I do have to get in there a better "create a new blog" something. The older image doesn't look good on the new theme.
Sorry I haven't got that to you yet, Doc. Turned into a dell of hay.
I didn't need it. I'm rather happy with what I have actually. Thanks though. :)