I would like to ask if there are any plugin that enable the registered users to edit their theme (look and feel) like the one that they can do in xanga. For example, font size, font style, background image...etc.
Thank you.
I would like to ask if there are any plugin that enable the registered users to edit their theme (look and feel) like the one that they can do in xanga. For example, font size, font style, background image...etc.
Thank you.
Search, young grasshopper.
Gotta admit that I agree with nolageek. It's been a much discussed topic around here.
lol..i thought you were suggesting he search for "young grasshopper" nola.
Images of a fully customizeable wordpress theme flushed to the front of my mind :)
i tried http://jason.lah.cc/2006/04/08/jasons-customciser-customise-your-themes/ but it doesnt work in my wordpress mu. It failes to inactivate..
For young grasshopper, i cannot find the related site, can you give me the link, please?
Thank you.
thtang, search the wordpressMU forums for 'customizable theme'
thtang, might help us help you if you gave us some details as to what you've done with the plugin. Saying it doesn't work doesn't give us a whole lot to go on.
Uh, exactly, as it has worked for me. Neat tip: instead of activating that plugin for all themes, paste the contents into a theme's functions file. Voila - theme options just for that theme. :)
(The 'young grasshopper" is a refernece to a line in a movie, karate Kid.)
Chinese fable before that as well I believe.