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Display recent updated blogs in external page. (5 posts)

  1. anabelle
    Posted 17 years ago #

    How can i display the list of the most recent updated blog in an external .php page of my site?

  2. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Have you installed that List All plugin from That's what I would use. Create a new Page Template in your main blog using that function but don't include anything else in that file. Just the function call. If you create a Page in your main blog, when you view that Page, you'll just get a list of the output from that function. On the other site, just use an iframe and put the page from your blog in that.

  3. anabelle
    Posted 17 years ago #

    ok thanks, but it's posibble tu avoid the use of an iframe.. say trough a SSI (server side include) or that wont work?

    I dont know if php is processed before including it or not when using this technique

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Have you tried an include?

  5. pegasusteam
    Posted 17 years ago #

    How would I format the include? I'm using subdirectories with joomla on the main domain.

    <?php include /blogs/TEMPLATEPATH - list_all_wpmu_blogs('25', 'name', '', '
    ', 'updated');

    That doesn't work :o(


About this Topic

  • Started 17 years ago by anabelle
  • Latest reply from pegasusteam