How can i display the list of the most recent updated blog in an external .php page of my site?
How can i display the list of the most recent updated blog in an external .php page of my site?
Have you installed that List All plugin from That's what I would use. Create a new Page Template in your main blog using that function but don't include anything else in that file. Just the function call. If you create a Page in your main blog, when you view that Page, you'll just get a list of the output from that function. On the other site, just use an iframe and put the page from your blog in that.
ok thanks, but it's posibble tu avoid the use of an iframe.. say trough a SSI (server side include) or that wont work?
I dont know if php is processed before including it or not when using this technique
Have you tried an include?
How would I format the include? I'm using subdirectories with joomla on the main domain.
<?php include /blogs/TEMPLATEPATH - list_all_wpmu_blogs('25', 'name', '', '
', 'updated');
That doesn't work :o(