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Upload area embed codes (7 posts)

  1. Farms2
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Hmmmm. so how does one hack the upload area tab area to provide details on how to embed various videos / media wotnots?\

    Al la

    I've had a look (and a go) with, erm, no success :)

    Anyone care to share?

  2. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Editing the allowed media types in the functions for wp-admin area?

    It's in one of those files back there, but I can't remember which one off the top of my head.

  3. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Didn't I ask this a few weeks ago? ;)

    Farms is asking about adding a tab, one that would give instructions on how to add a videos to one's blog. To appear beside the Upload and browse tabs.

    I found where the code goes, just not how to place it.

  4. lunabyte
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Ohhhhh.... That makes a huge difference then, huh? :D

    Gotta run out and do a few chores in a minute, but when I get back I'll find the file and post up some info.

  5. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Well the file is /wp-admin/upload.php

    The tabs are created starting at line 34 using the $wp_upload_tabs[] array and there's instructions on what goes with that array.

    I didn't get further than that.

    Hope this at least gets you started.

    (Down to three windows. I can look at other stuff now)

  6. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #


    Any news? :)

    hey, if you guys can do it....


    I'll trade you the dailymotion plugin I just wrote.

  7. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

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