I hope this is constructive input. And I hope to contribute by making a screencast of how to install WPMU on cPanel.
But first I need help figuring out where I went wrong.
Background: my cPanel is straight out of the box. I've added no files. I'm using a VPS. PHP 5 and MySQL are latest versions.
Me: I just installed Moodle on another URL using cPanel, which means I can follow directions, modify php files etc, and even troubleshoot a couple hiccups successfully. But I am not an old hand at this. (Using a screencast that walked me through that Moodle install was invaluable, by the way. I want to make one of similar value to users here, to repeat. To see what I mean, here's the Moodle screencast: http://otaru-jc.ac.jp/hagley/
I have followed the instructions on http://codex.wordpress.org/Using_cPanel
That is, I:
1. Set up the MySQL db and added myself as user
2. Modified the connection string as instructed
3. Modified the wp-config-sample.php file in wpmu 1.2.4 and saved it as wp-config.php
4. Installed wpmu in the root directory on cPanel
According to the instructions above, I should be able to go to mydomain.org/wp-admin/install.php, and see the installation screen.
I don't. I get a "file not found" message.
I have also read the README.txt file with the WPMU 1.2.4 download. It is SO CLOSE to being sufficient for a person at my level, I hope you'll be open to feedback on where it fell short. So here goes:
1. In the Install instructions, steps 1 and 2 are easy. For Step 3, this line is ambiguous:
If you want to integrate WordPress MU into the root of your domain (e.g. http://example.com/), move or upload all the files and directories of the unzipped WordPress MU directory into the root directory of you web server.
--this is ambiguous because it can be taken to mean either a) upload the files into the root directory WITHIN the WordPress MU folder on my harddrive (in which case I'd have root/wordpress_mu/(all the files), OR b) upload the files directly into the root directory, not into the WPMU sub-directory.
I tried both. Neither worked. And yes, I included the wp-config.php file I made with my MySQL db name, username, pw, and "localhost."
So which was the intended meaning?
The next place the README.txt instructions fell short for me was in "Install, Step 4":
Make sure your install directory and the wp-contents directory are writeable by the web-server.
--In cPanel, my wp-contents directory is "755," writeable only by "user". I'm pretty sure that's as it should be, but would think that adding a line or two clarifying how to confirm that would be easy enough to do, and save everyone trouble downstream.
But here is the more vexing question about Step 4: What / where is any "install directory"? I don't see one.
Finally, I installed WPMU in my root directory, followed Step 5 in README.txt by visiting http://(mydomain.org)/index.php, and came up with:
The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server.
So I am stuck here.
I'd also suggest fleshing out the "Apache" instructions in README.txt. I'm not yet advanced enough with WebHost Manager or cPanel to know how to locate these settings. Why not dispel my ignorance about this in README, and those like me? Again, I'll add the steps if necessary.
If anyone will take the trouble to help me unriddle all this, I will gladly delete everything from my cPanel and repeat the correct install on a screencast (and while I realize not everyone uses cPanel, surely this would help the many who do), and share it here.
I'll also volunteer to edit README.txt to make it more dummy-proof for "intermediate dummies" like myself.